Wednesday, September 17, 2008

o god

Invoke the power of the One-in-All,
whose utterance cannot be constrained by a single syllable,
whose magnificence transcends the glottal stop and flat vowel,
whose vast dimension dwarfs
the constant repetition of a single Name.
Cry out, Infinite Identity;
leap from the mouths the wayward and complacent
that the air might ring with prayer and praise to
the Comforter, Counselor, Lover, and Lamb,
World Maker, Universe Builder, and Architect of Life,
Flame, Flesh, Breath, and Truth,
Dove and Key and Judge that all may understand:
You are WORD.


LIT said...


Goo said...

I get supremely tired of the vocative "O" and the use of "God" in these parts, as though that is the only name we might employ. Mix it up a little!

LIT said...

I guess "Hot damn" is out too.

Allah messes up the second and third lines.

How about Eloi? Have to re-write line three. No glottal stop or flat vowel.

Goo said...

Strangely, we don't reference Allah or Eloi in the prayers of the people most Sundays. If we did, I wouldn't go on periodic rants about "O God".

LIT said...

Then exactly what did you mean by "Mix it up a little!"?

Goo said...

That was a mandate for our local liturgists who manage use "O God" for every service. You are free to try and mix-up God at every opportunity, but I doubt you'll succeed. She's pretty smart.

jaz said...

Having grown up in a less organized denomination, I find the POPs to be refreshing. Beats interminable repeats of, "and Father, I just want..." interspersed with (for a change of pace?), "dear Lord, I just want..." during every extemporaneous opportunity.

Goo said...

Personally, Jaz, I favor, "Jesus, I could really use a hand here."

BTW, extra double bonus points for use of extemporaneous in the comments section.