Thursday, July 24, 2008

just for jaz

This comes to us courtesy of I saw this Jaz, and immediately thought of you.

By the way, what's for dinner?


LIT said...

I'm sooo jealous. You've known me for years and have never met Jaz vis a vis, but have you ever posted just for mois? NO!

Goo said...

Lit, given that your last post was December 4, I'm not really feeling the guilt trip so terribly much.


jaz said...

Goo, I am honored!

Tonight we had pork shoulder roast (that simmered all day in the crock pot with ginger, honey, onions, garlic, and jalapenos), spinach with sweet onions and vinegar, and rice.

And I don't know who was more appreciative--Chill as he enjoyed dinner or Beatrice as she devoured the bone! (Lulu got the ham bone).

LIT said...


Glad to see you have learned our other staples---onions and jalapenos.

jaz said...

Chill seems to appreciate the juidicious use of each. I've definitely eaten more rice since we married than I had eaten in the previous decade. Probably fewer jalepenos, though. I'd say onions are about the same.